Rosslyn and I have lived in Unley for the last 22 years. Our children and nine of our grandchildren live in Unley. I began my career as a microbiologist before branching into education. Today I am Mayor of Unley first elected in 2018. In 2022 I was re-elected for a second four-year term with an absolute majority. As a member of the Australian Board of Education, responsible for the Australian School Curriculum and NAPLAN, I was reappointed for two terms, the maximum allowed. (July 2014 - November 2020) Chair of Audit and Risk Committee of ACARA for five years. I have served as Councillor since 2006 and was appointed Deputy Mayor 2018.
I love Unley and am proud of what it offers people of all ages. Thank you for re-electing me as your Mayor, I strive to make Unley more livable, more accountable and more affordable for ratepayers. I cycle and drive my own vehicle, a saving to ratepayers of over $60,000.
As the Founding Principal of Trinity College in Gawler I was Principal for 17 years. We grew the college from a log cabin in a wheat field to become the largest school in the Southern Hemisphere. This gives me a broad experience in developing community assets, an inclusive culture and in valuing people.

I have been leading the fight against rate increases in Unley. We did this by setting KPI’s for council staff. Working together, we made savings of $3.1 million whilst improving our quality of services. As Mayor, we are successfully keeping our rates below CPI. (Over the past 4 years -4%, below CPI)
Since 2009 I have been advocating change about how we manage storm water waste that used to flow straight out to sea, killing seagrass and marine life. New initiatives have reduced the incidence of local flooding and Unley now has Ridge Park Dam. Our parks and ovals are now drought proofed, the gulf has less storm water run-off and Unley’s cost of water has been slashed by 30%.
Unley’s main roads are corridors for southern and eastern commuters and carry heavy city bound traffic daily. As a three term councillor, I have worked hard to ensure that Unley provides safe walking and cycling paths throughout the City. I am proud to report that we are half way through implementing our walking and cycling plan, resulting in growing the number of people now cycling to work in Unley to 5.6%, compared to 1.9% for Adelaide. This is the lowest cost way to dramatically reduce traffic and travel times for drivers. In the past three years children riding to one of our Goodwood primary schools have increased from 1% up to 25% saving 400 car trips daily.
I have led the charge to maintain a tree canopy cover target of at least 31% across the whole of Unley. Since 2013, we have lost over 20% of this cover; we failed. The time for talking is over. As Mayor, I lead the charge to increase our tree canopy. Tree cover improves property values and provides energy saving shade from our blistering summer heat. I am seeking a meaningful level of green infrastructure along our main roads, in Car Parks, Shopping Centres and within all new developments as a key contribution to the overall future greening of Unley. Council voted to explore financial incentives for private land owners to retain and plant trees. Council has accelerated planting on Council land running out of Council land in five years. Click on the button,

Authorised by Michael Hewitson 10 ramage St Unley SA 5061